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​​Policies & Procedures:

  • DC encourages parent involvement by sending information out regularly by Remind 101 texts, Facebook, Instagram, our website, and occasional handouts. It is expected of the parent to keep up with your dancer's schedule, events, and dates.

  • DC does not offer makeup classes due to inclement weather, illness, or school functions, etc.

  • Please label all belongings. Lost & Found box is located at the receptionist desk. All lost items will be donated at the end of each month. The studio will not be held responsible for lost or stolen items. Keep all valuables at home to avoid the risk of lost or stolen items.

  • We open our studio window blinds on the first full week of each month for parent observation. The blinds remain closed for the remainder of the month.

Enrollment Procedures:

  • All accounts MUST have a credit or debit card on file.

  • ​​A spot in a class will only be held for your dancer ONCE you have enrolled her/him through the parent portal online and completed the ENTIRE check-out process. This includes making the following payment: Registration Fee & Last Month's Tuition. DC reserves the right to remove students from class rosters if payment has not been received within 24 hours. These fees are non refundable and non transferrable.

  • Classes subject to change based on enrollment.

  • Signing your child up for a trial class does not guarantee him/her a spot in the class.

  • If your child is injured, sick, or missing class for any reason, please notify DC via email at, before practice.

  • Winter Showcase participation cut off date: November 15th, 2024

  • Spring Recital participation cut off date: January 31st, 2025

  • To withdraw from a fall/spring class, you MUST give a 30-day cancellation notice via email at, or you will be charged tuition and fees for the month.

  • To withdraw from a summer class, you MUST give a 24-hour cancellation notice via email at, or you will be charged for the class.

Payment Policies:

  • Methods of payments can be cash, check, credit/debit card. Credit/Debit card transactions will acquire a 3% convenience fee for each transaction.

  • Tuition for the month is due on the 1st of each month. There is a grace period until the 10th. If any tuition or fee is not paid by the 10th, your account balance will be charged to the card that you have on file, along with a $15 late fee. You will not receive a monthly bill or statement. 

  • All fees are to be paid in full. If your account has a past due balance, your dancer will not be able to practice, perform or compete in any DC engagements.

  • There will be no refunds for missed classes.

  • ALL payments NON-REFUNDABLE. Should there be an exception and a refund is granted, there will be a $10.00 processing fee.

  • Tuition will not be prorated for shorter months or increased for longer months.​

  • There will be a $25.00 processing fee for returned checks and declined credit/debit cards.

Auto-Draft Policy (if applicable):

  • Our auto-draft policy requires a 30-day cancellation notice sent via email to No refunds will be issued if a request is not submitted.

  • There will be a 3% processing fee for all auto-draft transactions.

  • If your credit/debit card is declined, a $25.00 processing fee will post to your account after the second attempt and you will be responsible for making the payment on your own. If any of the account holder’s information were to change within our auto-draft system, it is your responsibility to update the information in your parent portal, or notify DC. If you do not notify us before the draft day, you will still be responsible for the $25.00 processing fee.

Arrival & Departure Policy:

  • Please do not drop your dancer off more than 10 minutes before their class time. Please be ON TIME when picking your dancer up after his/her class time.

  • It is not Dance Connections responsibility to provide child care while in the lobby.

Lobby Expectations:

  • Please be considerate of other customers, as well as our students, while in the lobby of the studio. Please be courteous as dancers & instructors can hear loud noises from the lobby. Siblings of students need to be supervised AT ALL TIMES within the walls of DC.

  • No running or yelling. No playing with water fountain, toiletry items, vending machine, or DC merchandise.

  • Please no fast food in the lobby.

  • All dancer's siblings under the age of 6 need to be accompanied to the restroom by a parent.

Dance Connections

(281) 356-1822

38619 FM 1774

Magnolia, TX 77355

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